
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hello Again!

Hello, everyone!  I have been away for the past few months teaching, writing, and most of all getting ready for the birth of my son.  It seems that while I have been busy elsewhere, the good people at Blogger have also been busy.  When I logged on today to the blog, I discovered a host of lovely new tools for making the blog tres chic.  I hope you all like the new look as much as I do.  I will be tweaking things in the weeks to come, as I have a slew of new things I want to put up here.

Let me know what you all think of the changes as they happen.  I am setting a schedule now for more regular posts.  I have had requests for more information about energy/Ki/Qi dynamics in the clinic, and also requests for more information about the I Ching.  I will be adding these topics more regularly into the posts.  If there are any other things you would like to hear more about, bop me an e-mail and let me know.

Also, if you enjoy the blog, please join the community to follow it.  It takes a second for you, has no nefarious strings attached, and helps me a lot in becoming more visible on the internet.  The number of followers I have for this blog affects the ease with which I show up on search engines.

Cheers!  See you all again soon.