Thanks to everyone who took the time to visit the blog and read about the upcoming class on pulse diagnosis. A HUGE thanks also to everyone who shared a link or reposted the class announcement. One thing I have discovered is that I am bit behind the times, and really don’t understand too much about all this inter-webs stuff. So, again, THANK YOU for helping me reach our colleagues to offer what I think will be a really wonderful and needed class for many people.
I have gotten several e-mails asking what “For Everyone and Every Style of Acupuncture” means. So here’s the skinny on the current FAQ:
I have been using pulse diagnosis as my primary or sole method of diagnostics for over 15 years now. There IS a universal language of the pulse in acupuncture. In my class I teach you how to understand this language. The pulse does not speak to us in terms of TCM or Pre-TCM or Japanese Meridian Therapy or Five Element or any other distinct style. The pulse speaks to us in the language of the Classics. So if you practice a style of acupuncture that can trace its roots to the Classics, you will find it easy to learn pulse diagnosis and tailor what I teach to work in your own personal style. Don’t feel like your knowledge of the Classics is up to snuff? That’s OK! Whatever you need to know, I’m going to walk you through it anyway.
Beyond the style or styles you practice, here are some common indicators that this class is for you:
Perhaps when you take the pulse, you use it mostly to confirm what you have already decided from talking and other diagnostic methods. So a “rapid” pulse is all you need to feel in the vessel to green-light what you are already planning to do. If so, this class will broaden your scope and introduce you to some greater nuance that will open you up to changing up your point selection and pay off with even better clinical results.
Perhaps when you take the pulse, you are deciding from among a very small number of options. So if you are only looking for which of four SHO you will treat, this class will expand on those distinctions and help you understand the progress of disharmony from the initial imbalance to its spread through the organ-meridian system. This will make your treatments more effective and immediate, which will pay off with even better clinical results.
Or perhaps when you take the pulse, you are overwhelmed by all the things you feel and the sheer beauty of the life flowing under your fingertips. If you find that it is difficult to interpret the pulse beyond a cacophony of noise, this class will help you keep your center and ALWAYS be able to gather the information you need. And you still get to appreciate the gorgeous “view” of the pulse.
And finally, yes, there is more to this method that a single weekend class. Pulse diagnosis is a very deep study, or at least it can be. This class is about making the first steps EASY. You can spend ten years or more mastering your pulse skills, but with the solid and clear framework you will learn in this class you will find it much MUCH easier than it will be if you go it alone.
I hope to see you at a class! Comment below if you have any questions.