
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Virtues of the One-Handed Turn, Part Six

Benefit #6: It releases tension in your hands.

Let’s see… better Qi flow to the hands… increased dexterity and strength… what more could we ask? Well, by practicing the one-handed turn, you will also loosen and detoxify the muscles of your hands. You hands (a.k.a. “the most valuable tools in your practice”) accumulate tension while you work. When you only use some of the muscles in your hand, and by this I mean the ones around your thumb and forefinger for most practitioners, you will develop patterns of tension. Most people do not notice it at first, but after about 4-5 years in their acupuncture practice, they begin to feel pain and stiffness in their hands. The one-handed turn will relieve this tension and pain, and keep you from worrying that you might have to find another career just as you are starting to get the hang of this acupuncture thing.