
Monday, August 3, 2009

Recap of the Virtues

The videos of the One-Handed Turn did not make it up to YouTube this weekend, as I had hoped. I was feeling a little guilty about not getting this done in the time I had wanted, but as a wise friend said, “weekends are meant for rest.” You can see the “Video” bar at the top left of the page, which is already linked to my currently empty TheSilverNeedle Channel on YouTube. The videos are coming. And if all works as I hope it will, there will be many videos to follow.

I remembered something as I was writing up the virtues of the one-handed turn. Many years ago there were several of us who all learned the parallel variation of the turn at the same time. We began to show it to members of the community and, as I said, there was a class for a couple years at NESA in which I spent a good deal of time teaching the turn. Not long after, there was a rumor going around that one could not be a good acupuncturist without knowing the turn. This was followed by a bit of backlash from those talented acupuncturists who do not use the turn, some of whom dismissed it as a mere parlor trick that was not worth studying.

As is often the case, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Certainly you do not NEED to know the one-handed turn to become a skilled acupuncturist. The nine posts I made about the virtues should not be taken to mean that it is the ONLY way to reap these nine benefits. However, there is so much to be gained from it that I really can’t recommend a better single addition to your clinic routine that regularly practicing and using the turn.